
Helpful Tips to Prepare Your Child for a Pediatric Visit

Helpful Tips to Prepare Your Child for a Pediatric Visit

Going to the doctor for the first time can be nerve-racking for many children. They don’t always know what to expect, and fear of the unknown can make the first visit tough for everyone. Most pediatric visits are routine checkups, but your child may worry that something serious is going on. 

Here are some tips to help your child feel more comfortable before their doctor visits. 

Explain the Reason for Their Pediatrics Visit

Kids often understand more than you give them credit for. Don’t be afraid to explain the reasons you are visiting a pediatric doctor. Your child will likely understand that their doctor visit is just to keep them healthy and happy once you explain this to them. 

If you have specific health concerns for your child, explain them in an age-appropriate manner. For example, if you suspect that your five-year-old has an ear infection, you can say, “Your ear has been hurting. We need to visit a special doctor for kids so you can get medicine to make it feel better.” 

Knowing why they need a doctor will give your kids peace of mind and make them feel more involved in the process. This will relieve some of the stress about visiting the doctor’s office.

Validate Their Emotions

Your child might have strong negative feelings about going to the doctor. Maybe they have seen inaccurate television shows that make the doctor’s office look scary or unwelcoming. Make sure you let them know that their feelings are understandable. They have the right to express fear, stress, and uncertainty before their doctor visit. 

You can use statements like, “I hear that your doctor visit is making you feel worried. That must feel really scary.” Always offer reassurance after your child is done expressing their feelings; this will show them that their pediatric visit is nothing to be afraid of. 

Choose a Welcoming Tahlequah Pediatric Clinic

Nobody wants to visit a doctor’s office that feels cold and unwelcoming. When you choose a Tahlequah pediatric clinic, aim for one with a friendly, caring staff. 

Ask about their protocols for comforting scared children. You can even ask to speak to the doctor on the phone before your child’s appointment to make the process less intimidating for both of you. 

You will likely fill out a children’s questionnaire the first time you visit the pediatrics office. You want the staff to get to know your child as an individual, not just another patient. Once you find the best children’s doctor for your family, you will be able to reassure your child that everything will be just fine. 


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